What is your funny Thanksgiving Story?

Please share your Thanksgiving food, family and funny stories. Attach a photo of you and your family. Please keep it clean :)
The winners of the funniest family picture and funniest story will receive a signed copy of the book: Happy Friday Life :)
Post them hear or on our Facebook page before midnight November 30th Good Luck
Who’s ready for some funny Thanksgiving stories?
It is the time of year when family and friends make an effort to; share the same space, eat too much, sleep less, travel hours in a cramped car, shop, sing along to holiday songs (loudly) not knowing all the words, only to make them up as we go and stress about things we really cannot control.
The holidays can be magical, if you let it, even if you are wishing you were Houdini and you were able to make at least one of your relatives temporarily disappear.
True Stories from the Butterball turkey hotline, where people call to get advice how to cook a Turkey from the experts
* Thanksgiving Dinner on the run. A woman called to find out how long it would take to roast her turkey. To answer the question, the Talk-Line home economist asked how much the bird weighed. The woman responded, "I don't know, it's still running around outside."
* Tofu turkey? No matter how you slice it, Thanksgiving just isn't Thanksgiving without turkey. A restaurant owner in California wanted to know how to roast a turkey for a vegetarian menu.
* Then there's the time a lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy replied, "No ma'am, they're dead."
The Silver Lining to the Burning the Turkey.
You Burnt the Bird: A Dozen Reasons to Be Thankful!
Salmonella won't be a concern
No one will overeat.
Everyone will think it's Cajun Blackened.
Uninvited guests will think twice next year.
Your cheese broccoli lima bean casserole will gain newly found appreciation.
Pets won't pester you for scraps.
The smoke alarm was due for a test.
Carving the bird will provide a good cardiovascular workout.
After dinner, the guys can take the bird to the yard and play football.
The less turkey Uncle George eats, the less likely he will be to walk around with his pants unbuttoned.
You'll get to the desserts quicker.
You won't have to face three weeks of turkey sandwiches.
Source: Craig Boldman and Pete Matthews
The USDA operates a hotline for people to call in with questions about food safety and preparedness. Kristina Beaugh, a spokeswoman of the USDA offered up some of these interesting tales from the 2013 hotline as told to food safety specialists
Tumble Dry Low
Make sure you have the tools before you commit. One clever caller didn’t have a large enough container to brine his large turkey. So of course, the washing machine is next best thing, right? Wrong. After putting ice and brine solution into the machine, his roommate put in a load of laundry with detergent and bleach.
In By 9, Out By 5
One “resourceful” Thanksgiving hostess forgot to buy a cooking bag for her turkey. Instead she slipped the bird into a dry cleaning bag. During cooking, the bag melted around the turkey and produced a strong, chemical smell. This is a great way to get the family on the fast track to Black Friday.
Here are a few personal experiences.
Fifty shades of burnt
Forgetting to take the dinner rolls out of the oven until someone says; it smells like somethings burning, jumping up from the table with a short curse word, knowing the biscuits are practically on fire, and all I can say as everyone is laughing… Well now you have more room for pie.
Good intention
Placing all the left overs in the refrigerator and there it is; untouched, that one special side dish that took you hours to prepare and now everyone has gone home. I justify it by saying I wanted that for myself anyway.
Have wine, let it snow
Imagine you are expecting 30 people for Thanksgiving dinner. You have shopped and prepped food the last four days, up until 1am making sure your table is set, house is perfect. The next day everything looks great except the bags under your eyes. The turkey and ham are hours away from being done, finally; it’s time to slow down enough to enjoy a glass of wine before my guests arrive; you look out the window and it is a blizzard! You rush to grab your cell phone and have 15 missed phone calls; needless to say it was a creative year for new left over recipes, some happy wild animals and a really good bottle of wine.
Southern fried nothing
Always make extra for Thanksgiving dinner, you never know how many are coming. That was the year my friend’s husband tried to deep fry a turkey and it caught on fire! So they all came to my house, I even broke out the kids dishes; no one seemed to mind (No one was hurt, well other than my friend’s husband’s pride)
Slippery Turkey, 10 Second Rule?
Bellvale, N.Y.
I drove my mother to our friends’ house for Thanksgiving dinner and nabbed a parking space right in front of their house. Mom handed to me the pan with the turkey, gravy and stuffing, which I placed atop our Volkswagen Beetle while I helped her out. But, when I slammed her door, the vibration caused the pan to slide along the roof, gathering speed down the slope of the back window and over the curved back fender to fly off the car, onto the snow. While my Mom looked on aghast, I quickly replaced the turkey and stuffing from the snow into the pan, brushing off odd bits of gravel. I took Mom’s arm and we turned to walk into the house only to see the front window packed with the horrified faces of our friends, who had apparently watched the whole incident.
All kidding aside; it truly is a time for being thankful and most importantly giving.
I hope I have given all of you something to smile about today.
From my family to you and yours
Happy Thanksgiving :)