What makes you feel good?

Through the years, I have loved all of the stories people have shared with me. Of course, my favorites are those accompanied with a lesson learned or a happy ending.
Recently, a friend shared a life experience I felt was worthy of being shared here. He was kind enough to allow me to do so with the hopes it would touch my readers, reminding them to pay attention to that inner feeling, that the gift given to all who listen.
Life moves so fast. We all have good intentions. We think and feel about someone or something at the moment yet it fades away just as fast. We may say to ourselves, “Today I am too busy” or maybe, “I’m too tired.” That is then followed by, “Tomorrow I will”. My hope is Morris’ letter entitled “My Long Lost Friend” will encourage you to think of the things in life that matter to you. Most often than not, there you will find what makes you feel good.
My long lost friend.
Approximately one year ago I was resting in my living room chair when an overwhelming feeling came over me to locate and visit my best friend from college. It seemed strange to feel such a strong pull since I had not seen him for about 25 years and we were now both in our 80's.
Given this day of modern technology, I went on the Internet and found that he was living in a small town in Wisconsin. I found his phone number and was hopeful to reconnect. I then asked myself maybe, after all these years he does not remember who I am?
Despite my apprehension, I called. Much to my surprise, I recognized the voice on the other end. I only said, “Hello Ken,” and he responded saying, “Hello Morrie.” I asked, “How did you know it was me?” He answered, “You never forget a best friend’s voice.” We continued to catch up. He confirmed he was now living in a nursing home. Three days later I made arrangements to visit him. When I walked in the nursing home, several staff members greeted me saying, “Are you the one he is waiting for?”
Our visit lasted three wonderful hours. Ken updated me about his health his wife’s passing and five grown children. We had a great visit catching up and reminiscing about our younger days.
Before leaving, I gave Ken a Christian book with my address and phone number written inside. I left knowing that God had indeed called me to do this. I felt overwhelming comfort.
The next day one of Ken’s daughters called to tell me that Ken had the passed away late that night. Although I will miss my best friend, I feel blessed that I had the chance to visit Ken. I am filled with joy for not ignoring God’s work.
-Morrie N.
Have you ever had a similar experience to Morrie? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.
Recently a UK group asked 2,000 people what brings them happiness and makes them feel good. Out of the top 50 listed, below are my top 10:
Feeling the sun on your face
People saying "thank you" or a random act of kindness from a stranger
Laughing so hard it hurts
Doing something for others
When your favorite song comes on the radio
Listening to the rainfall/thunderstorms when you are inside
Freshly-brewed coffee
Chocolate melting in your mouth
Waking up before the alarm and realizing there’s more time to sleep
That “Happy Friday feeling" ( Seriously it is on the list)
What are brings you happiness and why?